Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Under New Management (Gal. 3:15-22)

When I was saved on January 4, 1953 several things happened to me that I later discovered as I grew in grace. For example, I learned that salvation was never granted on the basis of Law. I learned also that I had been justified before God on that day and thus any relationship to old Adam and to the law ceased; I was adopted into the Lord’s family; I was enrolled under a new rule, i.e. a new covenant. It became my first duty to obey my heavenly Father, not as a slave but as a child. In fact, I was to obey as a beloved child. It would now be an offense to Him if I intimidated His will in any way. Did He call me to seek fellowship with other Christians? Then it is at my peril if I neglected it, for I would be disobeying my Father. I was to do it, not because the law says, “Love thy neighbor,” but because Jesus says, “If ye love me, keep my commandments,” and this is the commandment that He has given to me, “that ye love one another.” Did He command me to seek to become like Jesus? What a joy it became to do so as I studied His Word and spent time with Him in prayer. Was I told to distribute to the poor? Then I was to do it, not because love is a burden which I dared not shirk, but because Jesus taught, “Give to him that asketh of thee.” Did the Law say, “Love God with all your heart”? Then I could look into the very eyes of that demand and reply, “O commandment, Christ has fulfilled you already. I have no need, therefore, to fulfill you for my salvation.” But I did, and ever since have rejoiced to yield obedience to Him because God is my Father now and He has a claim upon me.

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