Thursday, April 3, 2008

Fight the Good Fight but Watch Your Attitude

Paul is an apologist - a defender of the faith. In fact, he is probably the apologist par excellence of all church history. The book of Galatians is one apologetic document that came from his pen. Every serious Christian should focus on this wonderful work. We can learn much about how to defend the faith just by studying it. For example, it becomes obvious that Paul's defence of the faith was never meant to do what only the Holy Spirit can do, namely bring people under conviction of "sin, righteousness and judgment" (John 16:8-11). It is basically meant to strengthen believers. For sure, it is never meant to win an argument against an unbeliever. Josh McDowell stated, "Apologetics is not for proving the Word of God but simply for providing a basis for faith." (Evidence That Demands a Verdict, p. iii). McDowell makes the amazing observation that though the majority of those to whom he has spoken did not deny his evidence, they did not accept Christ as Savior and Lord. "This is not because they were unable to believe - they were simply unwilling to believe." (op.cit.p. i) In Galatians 1:10 Paul showed a right attitude in approaching people with the evidence concerning the truth of Christianity. We need to watch our attitude. Then in verses 11-12 he spoke to the Galatian saints who had been troubled by the Judaizers who claimed to be the true Christians. They had been influenced by suggestions that he made up his own gospel. In another article we shall see where this all went.

Questions to Ponder:
1. Why do you think Paul focused on helping the saints in the Galatian churches rather than on the unbelieving Judaizers? Was this a departure from his normal evangelistic outreach?
2. How has evidence for the truth of Christianity affected you?


Sandy said...

In my earlier comment, I got so focused on thinking through my comment that I forgot to tell you I was sent here through Richard's site. Love the posts here. Thank you!!!

My husband has just begun a blog and his first post discusses this issue of speakng truth in love using Ephesians 4. You can see his site at

Dick Gelina said...

Dear Sandy,

I just read Robert's introductory article. He did a great job! Thanks for your good words, too, regarding mine. Blogging is a new experience for me. Our son, Rich, has done this for years and is a pro. Keep up the good work for the honor and glory of the Lord.

Sandy said...

I hope you don't mind but I like your blog so much that I've added a link to it from mine. If that's a problem, please just let me know.
Blessings to you,

Richard D said...

Sandy - It really is a good blog, isn't it?

Dad, I'm proud of you! Keep up the good work.